OPAL Devices on participant

This study is being run as a section under a larger study called a “Master Protocol”, which means that we are running multiple studies sequentially to test out new technology.  Each section of the study will have a small group of approximately 10-20 participants.  You may be eligible to participate in multiple sections. 

For each section of the study, participants will be asked to be in the study for up to two weeks. The study will involve coming to the study site, which is the Pfizer Innovation Research Laboratory at 610 Main Street, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Participants will be asked to visit the study site two times. Each study visit will last approximately two hours. 

During your visit to the study site, you will be asked to wear sensor devices while performing everyday tasks such as walking, sitting and standing, and walking and turning. Between study visits, you may go home for a 7-14 day at-home period while continuing to participate in the study.  During the at-home portion, you will also be asked to wear sensors.  

If you are eligible to participate in the study, you may receive compensation for taking part in this study. If you are withdrawn or withdraw from the study for whatever reason, you may be eligible to receive compensation for the portions of the study you have completed. For each visit you make to our study site, you will also be reimbursed to cover reasonable expenses (such as parking) that you have as a result of taking part in this study.